What You Need to Play CLAZER
1. A Gaming Computer
A PC that can run virtual reality programs
Here are some VR compatible PC examples.
2. Virtual Reality system
CLAZER works on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift
- HTC Vive
- HTC Vive Pro
- Valve Index
- Oculus Rift S
- Oculus Quest 2 (only with Oculus Link cable)
SteamVR is required for the Vive Tracker. Users interested in Vive Tracker support should use HTC Vive, Vive Pro, or Valve Index.
HTC Vive VR hardware supports the VR gun controller on your own shotgun
Oculus Rift will not support the VR gun controller
3. CLAZER Software
HTC Vive and Oculus Rift on Steam VR Online Store
4. Virtual Reality gun controller
Get the Vive Tracker and get our patented gun controller Email us for details
Play CLAZER and see where you’ve been missing !
CLAZER is the first patented virtual reality shotgun shooting simulator. It is based on patented technology from industry leader Lead Tech. Playing CLAZER is the most cost and time efficient way to learn and practice clay shooting away from the range. CLAZER is the best way to introduce wing shooting to beginners and the most effective way for experienced shooters to practice away from the the range. CLAZER can transform video gamers into clay shooting sports enthusiasts, as explained in this Power Point on Clay Sports Gaming.
Read the reviews. Then see for yourself. CLAZER is the future of learning and practicing clay shooting sports
We recommend the HTC Vive system, since it will support the use of your own gun as the VR controller
CLAZER User’s Guide here Screen shots and videos here.