“So let me start with this. WOW I really feel like I am shooting for real!
I love the X when I miss that shows where I missed (POI). I little jarring at first with the pausing (freeze frame), but wow super helpful.”
Jason W.

“The tracking and the lead is perfect. This feels very real.”
Nick F.
“All of the leads in sporting clays appear correct, except for the rabbit, which is more like skeet station 4 near the ground.”
Gebben M.
(Note – the rabbit is in fact Skeet Station 4 is a few inches off the ground, because we were unable to drone video a rabbit at the National Shooting Complex. We are going to slow it way down.
“Just wow. Clazer really is a product that must be experienced to understand the excitement behind it. I conducted an experiment with a new shooter who had never shot before. Took this person to the range and she needed a lot of work. Had her watch a Todd Bender dvd then use CLAZER for an hour a day for a week. 7 days later, you would swear she had been shooting for 6 months to a year. I’ll put this in a write up for you for the Steam VR site along with the technical data I collected.”
Dustin B
” . . .after an hour of playing I am very impressed. This game/training program exceeded my expectations.”
My first observation is that the scale of everything looks correct. This was something I was concerned about as so many VR games everything looks to big or to small. After my first game, I got a 19 and it felt perfect. The shots I missed were the shots I miss most times when rusty on stations 3,4, and 5. Over the next few games, I got my scores up to the low 20’s – 21 22 etc. – the leads felt correct the speed felt correct and I am impressed. Even the gun sound was correct – as so few guns in games sound like real guns. The echo of the shot is a small thing but adds so much to the experience.
I love that I can go to station 3 for example and just shoot doubles as long as I want. This could help my game a huge amount because if I miss, I miss on stations 3, 4 and 5. I also gave Trap a try and it felt correct although I shoot Trap very rarely. I got my butt kicked in 5 Stand but I have very little experience in 5 Stand.”
David D.
Review of Virtual Reality Gun Controller
“I had the opportunity to try the Clazer beta gun tracker. This used one of the HTC Vive Tracker pucks attached to a custom gun mount and trigger. The setup was simple and was just the Vive tracker setup. The adapter fit on the gun well.
The tracking was amazing. Putting the tracker on my gun, then lifting the headset to compare the virtual to real – it was perfect. My 12 gage is 32 inches and the vr gun seemed shorter so the gun was pushed out a bit. However, I am told that will be adjustable in the future.
(The VR gun is a 30″ 686 Beretta, so as David notes, the overall length of the VR gun has to be adjusted in the game in order for it to appear correct when mounted CN)

The realism is amazing. Using your actual skeet shooting gun made the game just that much more real. When I shoot clays in real life and in the game, I start with a lead on the house. When the clay is thrown, I maintain that lead adjusting as needed before the break. Without the weight of the gun, this is no problem. However, with the full weight of the gun it is exactly like real life. Proper swing is now part of the game.
Play space
I wondered if I would hit my walls and celling with this. However, surprisingly I never did. The ViveTracker puck will trigger the chaperone and station 8 I had to be aware but did not have to adjust my shooting to get either house. I did find I needed to rest a bit between stations and or games. How often to you get access to a skeet filed with unlimited ammo and now one in front of you. The gun gets heavy.
(Two comments – I have hit the ceiling with the gun controller on a 30″ barrel in overhead shots, but I am 6’6″. As other shooters have noted, when you shoot clay after clay continuously in VR practice mode, an 8 pound gun gets heavy ! CN)
In conclusion
Clazer without the gun controller is very good at teaching you the sight picture to properly lead targets. With the gun controller, it improves your gun handling skills and swing. One without the other is still very helpful but combine them and you have a full simulation like nothing I have ever used before. It was also very nice to have an entire full size Skeet shooting field in my basement that is so close to the real thing. The clay shooting sports are one of the very few sports you can simulate in VR almost 100%.
David Drysdale”
David was an “early adopter” of Clazer and he “gets it” completely. As other early adopters have realized, simply pointing at the correct lead with the hand controllers is good practice, adding the tracker to your own gun just makes it all that much more real.
Reviews from ATA North East Grand America
CLAZER was a big hit with competitive trap shooters, including state champion, Mike Smith, shown below.

Some consensus conclusions from the Grand American:
- All the shooters want to be able to fit the controller onto their own gun – check – in the works.
- The virtual gun shoots flat 50/50, and their trap guns shoot from 70/30 to 100% high
- Multi player should (will be a feature) which will allow for remote coaching – the coach can see in VR what a shooter is doing in VR from afar
- “When is it available ? I want one now”
- “If I get this, I will be in my den all winter.”

Skeet Champ is also a CLAZER Ace ♠
Jerry Selan was an instructor for Remington for decades until his retirement, when he promptly bought a Perazzi. He took to CLAZER in a jiffy:
“If I get this rig, I’d never get anything done around the house!”
Jerry S.
CLAZER reviews on Steam VR
“I shoot a lot, but in the winter it is not as easy. Each part of this game is fun and hopefully makes me a better shooter! The ability to see where you missed is so nice. The features are great and I can only see better and better things from this game and company.”
“This game for me has been a lot of fun and a big help to my clay shooting ability from my testing. I love how you can show leads and pick a station you struggle with and just shoot until you get it right. You can also play a full game and get your score at the end. The game is still in the early stages but is see signs of leader boards and other features.” (Leader board has been added)
“If you shoot any of the clay sports or want to shoot any of them this is a must-buy no questions asked. I hope to push myself up to consistent 25’s over the winter and see if my real shooting follows along. I hope to get out once a month for a few non virtual rounds.”
“I am a true sporting clay/skeet enthusiast and have just recently acquired Clazer. When I got my Vive online the very first thing I looked for was a clay simulator but could only find arcade type target games. Then came Clazer! I found it very realistic and found teaching mode (shows an X where you missed the clay) very helpful. It may be a bit easier than actual clay shooting, but it is close enough for good practice around site picture, lead, stance, holding point, breaking point etc.
I cannot wait until I get the gun mounted controller and can use my real shotgun. I think with a weight of the real shotgun the difficulty level should definitely rise to realistic levels as well as cause fatigue from holding the weight of the gun like in real life. If we could only emulate the Kick 😉
Both opposing thumbs up on this simulator!!! Whether you are already an enthusiast and love clay shooting or just want to learn Clazer is for you!”
Comments from English Sporting Clays World Championship
CLAZER was a big hit at the English Clays World Championship in San Antonio
The opinions ranged from “unbelievable !” to “oh . . my. . . gosh !” Or words to that effect. Nobody got nauseous ! Always a plus !
What the gamers liked the most:
- Seeing their hands reload the gun
- Choosing their guns from the table and picking them up with their avatar hands
- Seeing the shot/ wad going out, then smoke
- The Laser Pointer as a shooting aide
- The Hit Marker as a learning tool
- Phantom Clay showing lead
- Competition mode
- Call command button
- Recoil and muzzle blast
- Accurate leads, trajectories and presentations
- The frogs, birds and fireflies
What the shooters liked:
- The VR gun controller on the shotgun
- Seeing their hands reload the gun
- Choosing their guns from the table and picking them up with their avatar hands
- Seeing the shot/ wad going out, then smoke
- The Laser Pointer as a shooting aide
- The Hit Marker as a learning tool
- Phantom Clay showing lead
- Competition mode
- Call command button
- Simulated recoil and muzzle blast
- Accurate leads, trajectories and presentations
- Fogs, birds and fireflies
The legendary George Digweed MBE and the vivacious Kate Digweed