CLAZER Skeet is based on videos of a real skeet range. The correct spatial allowance is shown as the green Phantom Clay.
Unlike projected shooting simulators or shooting lasers at posters, CLAZER Skeet is a realistic, full scale representation of what you see at the skeet field – in stereoscopic vision. You can shoot High Tower Station 1 or Low Tower Station 7 out-going, much more realistically than with a projected system. You can even shoot Station 8 overhead !
Save lead, save clay, save your ears, save your shoulder
Play CLAZER and see where you’ve been missing !
CLAZER is available for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift on Steam VR
We will ship software updates to registered users
The reviews are in – and they are good. CLAZER exceeds expectations ! Playing CLAZER is the most cost and time efficient way to learn and practice clay shooting away from the range. CLAZER is the optimal entry for beginning shooters and the most effective way for experienced shooters to practice away from the the range. CLAZER turns video gamers into clay sports shooting enthusiasts.
We recommend the HTC Vive system since it supports using your own shotgun as the VR controller
Look for an HTC Vive demo site near you – at most GameStop or Microsoft stores
If you need some pointers on how to shoot skeet, check out these videos
User’s Guide for CLAZER is here.
2D video of Skeet
WARNING: CLAZER does not condone the use of its training techniques for shooting down drones, which is illegal under US federal law 18 U.S. Code § 32 – Destruction of Aircraft. Please apply the CLAZER skills you learn responsibly.