Had a great demo today at the Fort Worth Skeet and Trap Club during a Middle School and High School scholastic clays regional tournament. Thanks to Jason Alexander of Scholastic Clays and the national champ Allen Eagles for setting it up. Everybody liked CLAZER. The really liked the gun controller. The only limitation is the visual acuity of the VR headsets themselves- beyond 60 yards (in VR) images get a bit hazy. The good news is that the only shots beyond 60 yards are in Sporting Clays. Can summarize what we learned, which confirms what we’ve learned after hundreds of demos:
- If you or anyone you shoot with has an HTC Vive or Oculus Rift – get CLAZER -today. Use it and show your friends, team members, shooting buddies, kids. Your team, squad, pals are going to dig it and you will a better ambassador for VR shooting than us anyway.
- If you or anyone on your team has a serious gaming computer that will drive a VR system get an HTC Vive VR rig – then get CLAZER. Somebody on your team/ club/ friends group has a gaming computer that either can run a VR Rig or can be tricked out to do so. Just ask.
- Use CLAZER, show it and share it. Once you have CLAZER running, for heaven’s sake share it with your club, friends, siblings, etc. You will be a better ambassador than we can because we can’t go to every meet, or every range – but you can.
- The CLAZER gun controller is being readied for manufacture. The beta unit worked flawlessly. We called clays from the hand controller, spun the POV to keep the shooter centered in the scene, etc. Not a hitch all day – which is a first.
- FPS Gamers Make the Transition to Clay Shooters – Although I think it’s best use is going to train FPS gamers how to shoot clays – and recruit them to the sport, it’s obvious that anyone that’s a reasonably proficient gamer (anyone under the age of 40) benefits from CLAZER.
- Have fun – Sooner or later, kids will horse around – and today we discovered that you can call for clays faster than you can shoot them – literally filling the sky with clays. You can also walk into the skeet towers and shoot the clays as they come off of the machine – and you can go to Station 7 and machine gun Lower Tower outbound clays with a handgun- and occasionally break a clay. Welcome to virtual reality.
CLAZER is not a laser shooter. It’s not a 2D projection. It’s as close to being at the range and still be indoors. Get it, use it, show it, share it. The more people that use CLAZER – particularly teams – the sooner we can add multiplayer, avatars, remote coaching etc. So spread the word to get your teams CLAZING !
Here’s how to order – https://clazer.club/about/